✅ Requirements

We live within nested and complex systems. We use cloud AI/ML/BI services to understand their operation and future with 100 trillion gigabytes of yearly data volume we create, capture, copy and consume (Domo 2022) (IONOS 2021). These services stress the most important system we rely on, the biosphere (Monserrate 2022) (Strubell, Ganesh, and McCallum 2019) (Getzner, Charpentier, and Günnemann 2023) (WHO 2021). We are responsible for the machines that we build and operate to help us understand and manage our world, as well as the damage the machines do; therefore, we must insist on understanding our telemetry against specific, documented goals, and take action towards them as a species (Fuller 2016). Through human cognition and agency, mapped against present and future systems, it is my hope that we will avoid a cliff plunge that takes out large swathes of the complex life we share the biosphere with (McPherson et al. 2023). (👸) Failing that, we can use these methods after the plunge, in the next century, or the one beyond that, regardless (Snyder 1996). Fig. 1 maps features needed to understand, build, fix, and implement new, complex systems in a resilient way.